Beacon Falls : Connecticut
Living a Beach Lifestyle in Beacon Falls, Connecticut
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Where to Retire in Beacon Falls and Home Prices
There is an upscale large active adult community in the town (see link at left).
The median home value in Beacon Falls was $312,613 in early 2021, a 12% rise in prices over the past year, according to Zillow.
What Is Special about Beacon Falls
Beacon Falls is in a pretty part of Connecticut, convenient to New York, New Haven, and Hartford but also uncrowded and rural.
What Is Not Special about Beacon Falls
Home values, the cost of living, and taxes are all quite expensive.
Climate and Physical Environment
Beacon Falls is in the center of Connecticut, north and west of New Haven. The average July high temperature is 83 and the average January low is 17. The wettest month is May (5").
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Crime in Beacon Falls is much lower than the national average.
Medical Facilities
Major hospitals are within 10 miles in Waterbury, Derby, and New Haven.
Beacon Falls has a stop on the Waterbury branch of Metro North railroad; Beacon Falls is below average in walkability when compared to other towns.
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