Gladwin : Michigan
Living a Boating Lifestyle in Gladwin, Michigan
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Where to Retire in Gladwin and Home Prices
According to Zillow, the median home value was $151,607 in mid-2022. There is a large community in Gladwin, see link on left.
What Is Special about Gladwin
Gladwin is a small town with lakes, rivers, a State Forest and a lot of outdoor recreation opportunities including hunting, fishing, camping and boating. Glandwin has a low cost of living.
What Is Not Special about Gladwin
This small isolated town is at least 1 1/2 hours from the nearest large city (Flint or Traverse City). If you're not an outdoors type person, you may not find much to do here. Winters are cold with an average January temperature of just 20 degrees.
Climate and Physical Environment
The average January temperature in Gladwin is just 19 degrees, July's average is 69. The average annual snowfall is 52 inches.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Gladwin, with its lakes and forests, is popular for fishing, hunting and outdoor sports of all kinds. There is a Historical Society, The Gladwin Council of Arts, and The Gladwin Area Friends of the Theatre that sponser events in the community.
The crime rate in Gladwin is a little above the national average.
Medical Facilities
MidMichigan Medical Center
Gladwin has a bus "CCT" - Transit; There is a local small airport in Gladwin, with a larger airport located in Freeland, about 45 miles away.
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