Winchester VA : Virginia
Living a Boating Lifestyle in Winchester VA, Virginia
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Where to Retire in Winchester VA and Home Prices
You can live in town or in one of the nearby active adult communities. Nearby towns and places like Lake Frederick also have 55+ communities (see link at top left to Shenandoah and others). Zillow reports the median home value was $341,084 in mid-2022.
What Is Special about Winchester VA
The rich history and beautiful Shenandoah Valley are 2 good reasons to consider Winchester. Old Town Winchester features interesting shopping and restaurants, along with a pedestrian mall. Colonel George Washington designed and began constructing Fort Loudoun in 1756 on the site of present-day Winchester. There are at least a dozen places listed on the National Register of Historic Plans, including the Winchester Historic District.
What Is Not Special about Winchester VA
Some people might find the pace too slow.
Climate and Physical Environment
Winchester is in north central Virgina, perched just above the Shenandoah Valley. The average July high temperature is 85 and the average January high is 39 (the average low is 22). The wettest month is May (4").
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
The annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival has existed since 1924 and draws approximately 250,000 visitors to the area. The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley has gardens, museum, and a home to visit.
The crime rate is slightly below the U.S. average.
Medical Facilities
Winchester Medical Center serves the town.
I 81 goes through town. There is a small airport.
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