Ames : Iowa
Living a College Town Lifestyle in Ames, Iowa
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Where to Retire in Ames and Home Prices
Zillow reports the median home value in Ames was $286,826 in mid-2022, up over 15% during the past year.
Campustown is a vibrant neighborhood south of ISU which is a high-density mixed-use neighborhood full of student apartments, restaurants, and nightlife.
What Is Special about Ames
Ames is has a stong economy, a great public transportation system, 35 parks and 55 miles of biking and walking trails. It is a highly ranked college town with ISU hosting lecture series and many events retirees can attend.
What Is Not Special about Ames
Ames is not considered a walkable city, it does experience winters, and college students make up a large part of the population.
Climate and Physical Environment
January average temperature is 21 degrees and the average July temperature is 76 degrees.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
As a college town, Ames has many restaurants, and cultural events within the city and on the campus of ISU. The Central Iowa Symphony is located here, as is the Town and Gown Chamber Music Association and the Community Theater.
The crime rate in Ames is low.
Medical Facilities
Mary Greeley Medical Center is located here and serves a 13-county area.
Cyride is the city's public transit system which has gotten high marks for ridership; The nearest large Airport is in Des Moines, about 40 miles away.
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