McMinnville : Oregon
Living a College Town Lifestyle in McMinnville, Oregon
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Where to Retire in McMinnville and Home Prices reports the median home value here was $463,792, in early 2022.
What Is Special about McMinnville
The town has a walkable, historic downtown, a medical center, airstrip, and is home to two colleges. Linfield College hosts cultural and sporting events, and Chemeketa Community College offers non-credit courses which residents can attend. There are several farm-to-table restaurants and pubs, along with galleries and parks.
What Is Not Special about McMinnville
Cost of living is higher than the national average; the nearest large city (Salem), is over 25 miles away; winters are chilly
Climate and Physical Environment
McMinnville has a moderate four season climate which is ideal for growing wine grapes. The average January temperature is about 40 degrees with July's average 67 degrees.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
McMinnville has a vibrant and walkable downtown with restaurants and shops, and is surrounded by wineries in the Willamette Valley; several festivals are held throughout the year. The Dragging the Gut Festival includes classic car cruising from the 1950's, and The International Pinot Noir Celebration is held each year on the Linfield College campus; The Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum offers education programs, lectures, and movies concerning space history, with dozens of historic planes on display. The museum also has a waterpark with a waterslide coming out of a 747 jumbo jet.
The crime rate here is below the national average.
Medical Facilities
Willamette Valley Medical Centers services the area.
The town owns and operates a small municipal airport for private planes; The nearest large airport is in Portland, about 50 miles away.
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