Dover-NH : New Hampshire
Living a Cultural Center Lifestyle in Dover-NH, New_Hampshire
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Where to Retire in Dover-NH and Home Prices
The median home value was $321,166 in early 2020 according Zillow, which considers it a hot market as prices have continued to rise during the last several years. There are active adult communities in the area (see link at left).
What Is Special about Dover-NH
Crime is very low; New Hampshire is considered a low tax state.
What Is Not Special about Dover-NH
High cost of living and snow
Climate and Physical Environment
Dover's average January temperature is 22 degrees and the average July temperature is about 71 degrees. The town gets over 50 inches of snow annually.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
The Woodman Institute Museum was created through a gift from philanthropist Annie Woodman of Dover, to encourage education in history, science, and the arts. The museum houses a collection of natural history, art, antiques, rock and mineral collections, and artifacts of national and local history; The New Hampshire Children’s Museum is located in Dover and is a hands-on interactive museum for families; the town holds many festivals and events throughout the year which include Apple Harvest Day in October, and the summer long Cochecho Arts Festival.
The crime rate is very low.
Medical Facilities
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital
Dover offers bus service and the Amtrak Downeaster train line stops in the town, bringing passengers north to Portland, Maine, and south to Boston. It is only a 45-minute drive to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and about an hour's drive to Boston’s Logan International Airport.
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