Sun City Peachtreee

State | : | Georgia |
City | : | Griffin |
Address | : | 123 Creekside Court, Griffin, GA 30223 |
Phone | : | Call Your Realtor |
Community Size | : | 1000 - 9999 Units |
Web | : | |
Pricing | : | Intermediate,Lower Priced |
Type of Community | : | Townhouses,Single family homes,Gated,Discover Packages,Coach Homes,Active Adult,55+ or Age Restricted |
What Sun City Peachtreee is like
Sun City Peachtree was developed by Del Webb and is 35 miles south of Atlanta in Griffin, Georgia. Like all Sun City's this one boasts enough non-stop activities to keep even the most hyperactive 55+ boomer busy. Choose from a 40,000 sq. ft. amenity center, golf course, tennis courts, billiards, yoga, dance, arts and crafts, every club imaginable, etc. There are indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a huge amphitheater. Choose homes from several lines starting in the $100's.
- Aerobics Studio
- Artistic Programs
- Arts & Crafts Studio
- Basketball - Outdoor
- Billiards Room
- Bocce
- Card Games or Bridge
- Clubhouse
- Clubs
- Community Center
- Dog Park
- Fitness Center
- Golf Pro Shop
- Golf-18 holes or more
- Lifestyle/Activity Director
- Pickleball
- Putting Green
- Restaurant
- Social Events Planned
- Swimming Pool-Indoor
- Tennis
- Trails for Walking or Biking
What others are saying about Sun City Peachtreee
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Call 203 415-4792 for details