Hilton : South Africa
Living a Gated Community Lifestyle in Hilton, South_Africa
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Where to Retire in Hilton and Home Prices
A single family home in Hilton has an average selling price of about $200,000 or R 3,040,727 (ZAR Rand).
What Is Special about Hilton
Hilton is a small college town with moderate temperatures, health care, and restaurants.
What Is Not Special about Hilton
Hilton has a high crime rate. Weather described as "misty" is the norm.
Climate and Physical Environment
The area has moderate temperatures with January's average 75 degrees and July's average 64 degrees.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
The town does have a few restaurants and is home to The Natal Railway Museum. Hilton College hosts many cultural events and is home to the annual Hilton Arts Festivals.
The crime rate in the area is high.
Medical Facilities
The town does have a few medical facilities, and there are more from which to choose in nearby communities.
Pietermaritzburg Airport is close by, about 10 kilometers.
Valuable Links
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