Auburndale : Florida
Living a Golf Lifestyle in Auburndale, Florida
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Where to Retire in Auburndale and Home Prices
There are many active communities in and around the Auburndale region (see our Florida Directory). The median home value was $181,252 in early 2020, up from about $140,000 in 2017 (
What Is Special about Auburndale
Low cost of Living
What Is Not Special about Auburndale
Crime rate is higher than the national average.
Climate and Physical Environment
There are many lakes in the region. Average January temperature is over 60.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Auburndale has restaurants, parks and Lake Myrtle Sports Complex, but for the cultural scene and a lot of fun, Orlando is just 35 miles away.
The crime rate is well above the national average (index of 479 vs. 319).
Medical Facilities
Morrow Memorial Hospital is in Auburndale
Winter Haven Area Transit services Auburndale; Amtrak is six miles away in Winter Haven; the Closest intenational airport is in Orlando about 50 miles away.
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