Killarney : IRELAND
Living a Golf Lifestyle in Killarney, IRELAND
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Where to Retire in Killarney and Home Prices
There are existing and new neighborhoods in Killarney. or there are smaller villages outside of town like Tralee that might be even more charming. Prices range (in Euros) from the $200s for small condos to the $900s for large estates.
What Is Special about Killarney
This is a pretty old town near the coast that attracts tourists. There are six active
Killarney can be a bit touristy in season. It is not as totally charming as some towns like Lahinch.What Is Not Special about Killarney
Climate and Physical Environment
Killarney in in southwestern Ireland near the coast. Considering the latitude the weather is fairly temperate as the terminus of the Gulf Stream has some warming effect.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Killarney SummerFest is a highlight of the year in the town, featuring outdoor and indoor concerts from major Irish and international acts. There is a great assortment of restaurants due to this being a very popular tourist destination.
The level of crime is very low.
Medical Facilities
Saint Columbanus Community Hospital and Killarney Community Hospital serve the community.
There is good municipal bus service in Killarney.
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