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Living a Golf Lifestyle in Valparaiso, Indiana

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Where to Retire in Valparaiso and Home Prices

The median home value in Valparaiso was $229,900 in mid-2019, according to Zillow, which calls it a "Very Hot" market at this time.

What Is Special about Valparaiso

Valparaiso has a lot going on with an active downtown full of shops, museums, restaurants and the college crowd.  The town has a new Central Park Plaza that hosts concerts in it's outdoor amphitheater along with other special events.  It is also full of parks and recreation sites along with golf courses and bike trails.

What Is Not Special about Valparaiso

Valparaiso does experience winter with an average snowfall of 39 inches.

Climate and Physical Environment

The average January temperature is 24 degrees, and the average July temperature is 73 degrees.

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

Valparaiso is home to Memorial Opera House and Central Park Plaza which offer concerts and theatrical events, and if that isn't enough Valparaiso University's Center for the Arts has a full schedule of art, music and plays. The city also has museums, a historical district, and more than a dozen parks.  Festivals are held throughout the year with the most popular being the Popcorn Festival which honors Orville Redenbacher, who once lived in here.


Valparaiso crime rate is below the national average.

Medical Facilities

Porter Valparaiso Hospital


Porter County Municipal Airport; Chicago Midway International Airport is 56 miles away; Amtrak services Michigan City 19 miles away; City of Valparaiso does offer bus service to Chicago.

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City of Valparaiso

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