Goodyear : Arizona
Living a Outdoor Oriented Lifestyle in Goodyear, Arizona
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Where to Retire in Goodyear and Home Prices
The median home value was $463,526 in early 2023, according to
What Is Special about Goodyear
Goodyear is the home of both the Cincinnati Reds and the Cleveland Guardians (spring training). The 2 teams share a 10,000 seat stadium. Many different active adult communities to choose from.
What Is Not Special about Goodyear
In Goodyear you are dependent on your car on a crowded highway system. Summers are brutally hot.
Climate and Physical Environment
West of Phoenix as the Phoenix suburbs move in that direction. It is located in the desert and there are mountains and hills to the north.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Nearby Phoenix is a huge city with every conceivable cultural outlet.
The crime rate is above average in Goodyear.
Medical Facilities
The nearest hospitals are in Glendale or Phoenix.
When not in your golf cart, be prepared to drive. Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport is a major one and convenient.
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