Daytona Beach : Florida
Living a Outdoor Oriented Lifestyle in Daytona Beach, Florida
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Where to Retire in Daytona Beach and Home Prices
For retirement living options people can choose from beachfront living on the barrier island, or more traditional housing and adult communities on the mainland and across the intercoastal waterway (See Active Communities Link at left). The average home price was $354,900 in the 2nd quarter of 2022, for the Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach area (NAR), about a 25% increase from a year earlier.
What Is Special about Daytona Beach
Daytona beaches; Daytona 500; Many residential options for retirees; Ponce de Leon Inlet Light; Daytona USA; International Motor Sports Hall of Fame; More than 20 championship golf courses
What Is Not Special about Daytona Beach
Crowds of tourists at various times of the year. Crime is high in certain areas.
Climate and Physical Environment
Daytona Beach is in the northern portion of the east coast of Florida. It features a barrier island with hard sand beaches that are connected to the mainland. The January average temperature is 58 degrees with July's average 82 degrees.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
There are many artistic and cultural outlets in Daytona Beach. The Museum of Arts and Sciences is one, as is the Southeast Museum of Photography. Other cultural attractions include the historic Peabody Auditorium, Seaside Music Theater, News-Journal Center, the Halifax Historical Museum, and the Mary McLeod Bethune Fine Arts Center. Popular events include the Daytona Winterfest and the Bandshell Concert Series.
The crime rate is higher than the national average.
Medical Facilities
Halifax Medical Center
Daytona Beach International Airport offers non-stop service to many U.S. cities
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