The Best Places to Live & Explore…
For Every Lifestyle

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Portland, Ore was already known for being bike-friendly. But now with new businesses cropping up that are aimed at bikers on busy bicycle commuter routes, the city is blazing new trails.

Get the most out of College Town living. Learn about the best certain college towns all over the country have to offer.

Seven of America's best places to live are no small secret.

Superb places for LGBT living


As one of the most beautiful college cities in America, Savannah is an appealing and cultural community. Home to four institutions, this city of 132,000 was planned in England before it was settled, and is a testament to the idea of urban planning. It is laid out in a grid with frequent squares; hom.......more>>


This new and interesting college community is named Abacoa. The design philosophy was to have smaller neighborhoods, stronger feeling of community, sense of place, and respect for the environment. It is “a new urbanist community.”  Main Street is the center of the community. That .......more>>

Carson City

Carson City is the capital city of the State of Nevada. The population is about 55,000.  The city is in a dry desert valley at an elevation over 4,700'. The explorer John Fremont was the first European-American to discover the region - he named it after Kit Carson, the famous scout........more>>

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