Living a RV Community Lifestyle in ANCHORAGE, Alaska
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Where to Retire in ANCHORAGE and Home Prices
There are many diverse and popular areas of Anchorage, including the South Anchorage area of Rabbit Creek.
Although Alaska has almost no taxes, in fact it pays you to live here, it remains very expensive. According to Zillow, the median home value was $420,993 in mid-2022.
What Is Special about ANCHORAGE
Beautiful scenery and outdoor recreation
What Is Not Special about ANCHORAGE
In Alaska winters are long and dark. Everything is very expensive. And unless you a free spirit, the stubborn independence of many of the locals could get on your nerves.
Climate and Physical Environment
Anchorage is in the south central part of the state. Its physical environment has everything that anyone could want - mountains, lakes, bays, snow, rivers.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Anchorage has much to do with all types of outdoor recreation, but it also offers museums, cultural events, festivals, restaurants, and entertainment.
Crime in Anchorage is above the national average.
Medical Facilities
There are several hospitals and medical centers in Anchorage.
Anchorage is Alaska's transportation hub and both trains and planes provide transportation to the city. The town also offers public bus transportation.
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