Groton : Connecticut
Living a Small town Lifestyle in Groton, Connecticut
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Where to Retire in Groton and Home Prices
According to Zillow, the median home value in Groton was about $247,738 in early 2020, and is a "Very Hot" market at this time..
What Is Special about Groton
Groton is a shoreline town on the Long Island Sound with beaches, parks, and historical sites. Its location offers easy access to both New York City and Boston.
What Is Not Special about Groton
Winters are chilly and Groton does get snow; high taxes; not a walkable town
Climate and Physical Environment
The average January temperature is about 30 degrees, the average July temperature is 70 degrees. Groton's annual snowfall is about 23 inches.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
As a historical town, Groton offers sites such as Fort Griswold, known for its role during the Revolutionary War, and is home to the Groton Submarine Base which is the US Navy's primary submarine base, and is a national landmark dating back to 1868. The U.S. Navy Submarine Force Library and Museum is the only submarine museum managed exclusively by the U.S. Navy, which makes it a repository for many special submarine items of national significance, including USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine in the world. The town also has several parks and a beach, and is host to various annual events. Large cities are nearby for a varied and diverse cutural scene.
Groton has a low crime rate.
Medical Facilities
Lawrence and Memorial Hospital in New London is about 5 miles away.
Groton is located along the I95 corridor; Amtrak is two miles away in New London; The closet regional airport is in New Haven about 50 miles away, and the nearest international airport is about 60 miles away in Windsor Locks, near Hartford.
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