Coral Springs : Florida
Living a Small town Lifestyle in Coral Springs, Florida
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Where to Retire in Coral Springs and Home Prices
Zillow reports the median home value to be $509,191 in mid-2022.
What Is Special about Coral Springs
Coral Springs is a pretty town as the city has strict building, commercial sign and landscaping ordinaces; it offers many parks and sports facilities along with an Arts Center for cultural events.
What Is Not Special about Coral Springs
High housing costs; summers are hot; Coral Springs has been hit by damaging storms and hurricanes.
Climate and Physical Environment
The average January temperature is 67 degrees, July's average is 83 degrees. Hurricane Wilma caused extensive damage to Coral Springs in 2005.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
The Walk offers open-air dining, shopping and entertainment in the heart of Coral Springs; The Coral Springs Center for the Arts provides concerts, dance and family productions throughout the year; Coral Spring boasts more than 50 parks including a skate park and and a water park; The Sportsplex has a jogging path, dog park, an aquatic center, tennis courts and an ice rink; The "Our Town" festival has been held every year since 1979, and offers a car show, carnival, food and games, and is attended by more than 100,000 people.
The crime rate in Coral Springs is low, about half of the national average.
Medical Facilities
Coral Springs Medical center services the area.
There is free bus transportation within the city; it is not considered a walkable community; The nearest airport is Ft.Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, about 30 miles away.
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