Plumsted : New Jersey
Living a Small town Lifestyle in Plumsted, New_Jersey
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Where to Retire in Plumsted and Home Prices
According to, the median home value in New Eagle, Plumsted Township was $369,419 in early 2021.
What Is Special about Plumsted
Plumsted has a low crime rate; it is located close to the city of Philadelphia, to the west, or you can head east to the beach.
What Is Not Special about Plumsted
Plumsted has a high cost of living, is not a walkable community, and does not offer much culturally.
Climate and Physical Environment
The average January low temperature is 22 degrees, and the average July high temperature is 86 degrees. Plumsted averages about 48 inches of snow.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
For the cultural scene you need to head to larger nearby cities (Philadelphia or Trenton), or to the beaches.
Plumsted has a very low crime rate.
Medical Facilities
Virtia Memorial Hospital is 17 miles away in Mount Holly.
There is an airport in Trenton about 20 miles away, and there are two international ariports both 40 miles away in Philadelphia and in Atlantic City. The New Jersey transit provides bus service to Philadelphia.
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