Milwaukie : Oregon
Living a Small town Lifestyle in Milwaukie , Oregon
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Where to Retire in Milwaukie and Home Prices
According to Zillow, the median home value was $485,907 in mid-2021, a 21.4% increase over the past year.
What Is Special about Milwaukie
The town, known as "Dogwood City of the West", is located on the Wiliamette River with parks, a town center, community gardens, and a light rail system for easy access to Portland.
What Is Not Special about Milwaukie
High cost of living; winters are chilly
Climate and Physical Environment
Milwaukie's average January temperature is about 40 degrees, the average July temperature is 70 degrees. The town gets about 45 inches of rain and only about 4 inches of snow annually.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Milwaukie boasts over a dozen parks including an aquatics park and a new water front park with a boat launch and amphitheater. There is a historical district, and the attractive town center offers shops and dining. The community hosts events and festivals throughout the year, as do some of the individual Neighborhood Districts; the Milwaukie Arts Committee works to connect the arts with the community. For more entertainment and the cultural scene, Portland is just a few miles away.
The crime rate in Milwaukie is low.
Medical Facilities
Providence Milwaukie Hospital serves the area.
Amtrak is 6 miles away in Oregon City, or 7 miles away in Portland; Portland International Airport is about 17 miles away. A light rail system is being constructed which will connect Milwaukie to Portland.
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